Civil Engineering (MCE)
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering specializes in environmental, geotechnical and structural engineering. Environmental engineering deals with water and wastewater treatment, chemical and biological unit operations, hazardous waste treatment and pollution prevention. Structural engineering emphasizes finite element methods, computer-aided structural analysis and design, pre-stressed concrete and plastic analysis. Geotechnical engineering focuses on advanced concepts in soil mechanics, soil dynamics, tunneling, earth dams and pavement design.
Detroit and its environs provide the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with large-scale local engineering activities and facilities, including research and development, industrial operations, and civil construction. These opportunities offer the engineering student a stimulating environment for study and considerable future employment potential.
The Civil Engineering program prepares students for careers as consulting engineers, engineers in industry and government, and researchers for university and industrial laboratories.
The Master of Civil Engineering and the Doctor of Engineering with a major in Civil and Environmental Engineering are described in the following sections. In addition to these, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is also involved in two interdisciplinary programs: a joint Master of Architecture/Master of Civil Engineering; and the Master of Community Development with the School of Architecture. For more information about these two programs, please visit those sites. Students can also further their studies in the Doctor of Engineering program with a major in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
For more information on the Doctor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, click here.
Traditional Master vs. 5 year Bachelor/Master
Students may enter the Master program one of two ways: Traditional (for new Master students or ±«Óãtv undergraduate students who did not qualify for the 5-year Bachelor/Master program) and 5-year Bachelor/Master (for ±«Óãtv undergraduate students).
Traditional Master Program
New Master students or ±«Óãtv undergraduate students who did not qualify for the 5-year Bachelor/Master program may apply for graduate school either online or by completing a written application. Typical (but not absolute) minimum requirements include an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or closely related discipline. Although the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (if applicable) are not required as part of the application, they can be useful in facilitating the admission process.
5-year Bachelor/Master Program
New ±«Óãtv undergraduate students and senior Civil Engineering undergraduate students that are within two to three terms of graduating, with a GPA of 3.25 or better, and who will finish their undergraduate program in four years, may apply for the 5-year Bachelor/Master program. If accepted in the 5-year Bachelor/Master program, students can receive up to nine transfer credits to double-count towards their Bachelor and Master programs.
For more information on the 5-year Bachelor/Master program, click here.
Degree Requirements (30 credits)
The Master of Civil Engineering with a concentration in environmental/geotechnical/structural engineering may be completed by a thesis or non-thesis plan. The thesis plan requires six semester credit hours of thesis and 24 semester credit hours or more of course work. The non-thesis plan includes a total of 30 semester credit hours (30-39 semester credit hours in the environmental engineering concentration, depending on background) of course work. Either plan may be supplemented by a cooperative education placement course, CTA 5020 (3 credits) which will not count toward the 30 credit hours above.
Courses offered in civil and environmental engineering may be supplemented with approved courses in mathematics, chemistry, biology, other branches of engineering, law and other areas to suit the student's individual needs. Suggested Civil and Environmental Engineering courses in each of the specializations are specified below. A minimum of 15 credits must come from CIVE and ENGR coursework. Additional courses need approval of the advisor. Doctoral students must satisfy all requirements for the Doctor of Engineering program in the College of Engineering and Science.
Students may specialize in a particular area of interest. Students should take a minimum of 15 credits from one area below. Students interested in Environmental Engineering are advised to take the Master of Environmental Engineering instead. However, students in specializations below may select courses from Environmental Engineering if they are relevant.
Structural/Architectural Engineering
- CIVE 5400 Advanced Structural Dynamics (3 credits)
- CIVE 5760 Pre-Stressed Concrete (3 credits)
- CIVE 5870 Foundation Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5890 Design of Earth Retention (3 credits)
- CIVE 5600 Advanced Structural Analysis & Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5660 Bridge Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5850 Project Management and Costing (3 credits)
- ENGR 5420 Finite Elements (3 credits)
- MENG 5340 Finite Element Analysis (3 credits)
- ENGR 5300 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (3 credits)
- CIVE 5300 Forensic Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5920 Capstone Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5990 Civil Engineering Master's Thesis** (6 credits)
- ARCH 5590 Architecture and Construction Law (3 credits)
- CIVE 5810 Masonry Design (3 credits)
- ENGR 5440 Vibrations (3 credits)
- CIVE 5320 Cost Estimating (3 credits)
- CIVE 5390 Design Build (3 credits)
- CIVE 5360 Timber Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5430 REVIT & CAD (3 credits)
- CIVE 5402 Earthquake Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5340 BIM with RAM (3 credits)
- CIVE 5610 Loading Codes
- CIVE 5722 Advanced Concrete Design (3 credits)
Construction Management
- CIVE 5630 Environmental Risk Analysis & Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5850 Project Management & Costing (3 credits)
- CIVE 5300 Forensic Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5920 Capstone Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5990 Civil Engineering Master's Thesis** (6 credits)
- ARCH 5590 Architecture and Construction Law (3 credits)
- CIVE 5810 Masonry Design (3 credits)
- EMGT 5010 Management and Leadership of a Technical Workforce (3 credits)
- EMGT 5020 Economic Considerations of Technical Businesses (3 credits)
- EMGT 5030 Financial Decision Making for Technical Industries (3 credits)
- EMGT 5040 Administration of Technical Businesses (3 credits)
- EMGT 5700 Systems Architecture and Engineering (3 credits)
- EMGT 5760 Engineering Project Management (3 credits)
- MBA 5260 Information Systems & Technology (3 credits)
- EMGT 5400 Manufacturing, Processes, Strategy and Logistics (3 credits)
- EMGT 5450 Total Quality Management (3 credits)
- EMGT 5060 Global Engineering Management and Leadership (3 credits)
- CIVE 5762 Advanced Concrete Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5760 Pre-Stressed Concrete (3 credits)
- CIVE 5710 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5740 Advanced Pavement Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5320 Cost Estimating (3 credits)
- CIVE 5762 Design Build (3 credits)
Geotechnical Engineering
- CIVE 5772 Engineering Geology (3 credits)
- CIVE 5480 Advanced Soils (3 credits)
- CIVE 5740 Advanced Pavement Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5482 Rock Mechanics (3 credits)
- CIVE 5484 Slope Stability (3 credits)
- CIVE 5580 Tunneling (3 credits)
- CIVE 5990 Civil Engineering Master's Thesis** (6 credits)
- CIVE 5870 Foundation Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5762 Advanced Concrete Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5810 Masonry Design (3 credits)
- ENGR 5020 Design of Experiments (3 credits)
Road and Bridge
- CIVE 5630 Environmental Risk Analysis & Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5400 Advanced Structural Dynamics (3 credits)
- CIVE 5120 Advanced Traffic Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5870 Foundation Engineering (3 credits)
- CIVE 5890 Design of Earth Retention (3 credits)
- CIVE 5740 Advanced Pavement Design (3 credits)
- CIVE 5484 Slope Stability (3 credits)
- CIVE 5760 Pre-Stressed Concrete (3 credits)
- CIVE 5660 Bridge Design (3 credits)
** Instructor permission required for thesis.
Program Contact Information
Dr. Utpal Dutta
Chair of Civil Architectural & Environmental Engineering
Telephone: 313-993-1040
Fax: 313-993-1187