Accelerated 7-Year Bachelor of Arts (Chemistry) to Doctor of Dental Surgery Program (BA-DDS)
±«Óãtv offers a special academic program that enables highly qualified applicants to earn a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in addition to the baccalaureate degree in seven calendar years, rather than in the traditional eight years.
The selected students in the 7-Year BA CHEM/DDS Program spend most of the first three years at the McNichols Campus doing pre-dental studies in the College of Engineering & Science. The last four years are in the School of Dentistry.
In addition to the basic science courses required of all dental school applicants, 7-Year Program students must meet all of the requirements of the University Core Curriculum. This includes coursework in speech, English, mathematics, religious studies, philosophy, history and culture, ethics, and social responsibility. They are also required to participate in a two-week orientation to dentistry in the summer after the first year, and two courses at the dental school in year three.
Program Learning Outcomes
Please review the catalog pages for BA Chemistry and the Doctor of Dental Surgery for the Program Learning Outcomes. -
Only high school graduates of the months immediately preceding the beginning of undergraduate study at ±«Óãtv are eligible for consideration as program participants. Transfer students or students who have already begun coursework at ±«Óãtv are ineligible.
Once admitted, a program participant must be enrolled as a full-time student in each regular semester, including a two-week course at the ±«Óãtv School of Dentistry at the end of the Winter semester (beginning of the Summer) in year one of the program. All necessary undergraduate coursework must be completed at the McNichols Campus within the three calendar years immediately prior to the beginning of the formal dental school phase of the program.
Students successfully completing all requirements of the program will be granted the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Chemistry and the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. The Bachelor of Arts is awarded after the required credits at the ±«Óãtv School of Dentistry are completed to fulfill remaining undergraduate requirements.
Admissions Requirements
The Selection Committee will consider for acceptance into the program an applicant who has met ALL of the following basic criteria:
- Has been accepted for admission as a freshman student at ±«Óãtv.
- Has submitted to the Admissions Office, following acceptance as a freshman student, a 350-400 word personal essay on a topic supplied at the time of application.
- Has two letters of recommendation addressing the candidate's qualifications for the program.
- Has achieved a high school ACT composite score of at least 28 (minimum of 26 on each subsection), or a combined SAT score of at least 1300 (minimum of 620 on ERW, minimum of 610 MATH), not super-scored. Applicants applying under the test-optional policy are eligible to apply. The average cumulative unweighted high school GPA for matriculants was a 3.85 and the average cumulative weighted high school GPA was a 4.14.
- Has earned for the first six semesters of high school a grade point average of 3.5 overall on a 4.0 point scale, and the same for the combined mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology courses.
- Has directed the high school office to supply to the Admissions Office an up-to-date high school transcript by January 15 of the application year.
Applicants who have satisfied the above requirements will be reviewed by the 7-Year Dental Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will make the final determination on the limited number of students accepted into the program.
Students accepted into the program should complete 25 hours of dentistry observation/shadowing, before starting courses at ±«Óãtv.
An applicant will be eligible for admission to the dental school phase of study following the successful completion of all aspects of the initial three years of the program. This includes:
- Successful completion of all required courses
- Overall GPA of 3.6 or better, and science GPA of 3.5 or better
- Scores of 20 or better on all sections of the DAT (the Dental Admission Test, the national standardized examination required of all applicants for admission to professional schools of dentistry) prior to August 1 in the second summer of the program
- Complete at least 60 hours of shadowing with a U.S./Canada-based general dentist
- Successful completion of AADSAS application prior to August 1 in the second summer of the program and interview with the ±«Óãtv School of Dentistry Admission's Committee
Application Procedures
See the website for ±«Óãtv Admissions for the dates for early and regular submission of applications. All who are interested in being considered for admission into the 7-Year Program should specifically and clearly indicate this at the time they submit their applications for admission as entering freshmen into the University's College of Engineering & Science. Applications for the program are to be sent to the office of Undergraduate Admissions at the McNichols Campus, not to the program coordinator nor to the School of Dentistry.
The student's overall application, essay, and interview will be used to determine which students are accepted into the limited number of seats in the program.
Bachelor Program Requirements - Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Chemistry (120 credits)
Science Courses
- CHM 1070 General Chemistry I (3 credits)
- CHM 1100 General Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
- CHM 1080 General Chemistry II (3 credits)
- CHM 1120 General Chemistry Lab II (1 credit)
- CHM 2270 Organic Chemistry I (3 credits)
- CHM 2250 Organic Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
- CHM 2290 Organic Chemistry II (3 credits)
- CHM 2310 Advanced Organic and Inorganic Synthetic Laboratory (1 credit)
- CHM 3200 Computers in Chemistry and Molecular Modeling (1 credit)
- CHM 3330 Physical Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
- CHM 3410 Chemical Thermodynamics and Applications (3 credits)
- CHM 3420 Chemical Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry (3 credits)
- CHM 3870 Quantitative Analysis (3 credits)
- CHM 3880 Quantitative Analysis Lab (1 credit)
- CHM 4710 Biochemistry I (3 credits)
- CHM 4720 Biochemistry II (3 credits)
- CHM 4740 Recent Advances in Chemistry and Biochemistry (3 credits)
- CHM 4990 Chemistry Senior Assessment (0 credits)
- One upper-level Chemistry course from the following:
- BIO 1200 General Biology I (3 credits)
- BIO 1210 General Biology Lab I (2 credits)
- BIO 1220 General Biology II (3 credits)
- BIO 1230 General Biology Lab II (2 credits)
- BIO 4210 Microbiology (3 credits)
- BIO 4630 Physiology (3 credits)
- PHY 1300 Physics I (3 credits)
- PHY 1310 Physics Lab I (1 credit)
- PHY 1320 Physics II (3 credits)
- PHY 1330 Physics II lab (1 credit)
Additional Required Courses
- MTH 1410 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 credits)
- MTH 1420 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 credits)
- PYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
- SOC 1000 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
- DENT 1000 Introduction to Dentistry (0 credits)
- DENT 3000 Integrated Biomedical Science I (3 credits)
- DENT 3010 Integrated Biomedical Science II (3 credits)
Core Curriculum
In addition to the courses required for this program listed above, the student must also fulfill the requirements of the University Core Curriculum for this program. Some of these courses may be satisfied by courses in your program.
Students in this Accelerated 7-Year BA-CHM/DDS program who complete their degree by transferring back credits from ±«Óãtv's School of Dentistry have been granted two core course exemptions:
- Core E1, E2*, E3 - one course may be waived.
- Core D3, IT3, IT4, IT5 - one course may be waived.
*E2 may be waived if a student has taken ENL 1300 and ENL 1310 (six semester hours of English are required).
Please review your Degree Evaluation or consult your academic advisor for more information.
Elective Credits
- Credits are transferred back from ±«Óãtv School of Dentistry after the first or second semester in the DDS program to reach a total of 120 credits. These credits will be double-counted for the BA and DDS degrees.
For students who will not matriculate to the School of Dentistry in August of their fourth year, they can complete their undergraduate BA Chemistry degree by completing undergraduate elective credits to reach a total of 120 credits. These students do not qualify for the core curriculum exemptions described above.
Students are encouraged to submit transcripts or test scores from Advanced Placement, dual enrollment, International Baccalaureate, etc. In some cases, these will be transferred in. Prerequisite courses required for admission to the School of Dentistry should be completed at a four-year institution and not a community college.
Optional Concentration - BA Chemistry Research
The Research concentration within the BA Chemistry major is designed for students who are interested in pursuing further research in graduate school or careers in industry, medicine, and science education. A research concentration will offer students an opportunity to read and explore scientific literature, develop hypotheses, design and implement experiments, collect and analyze data and communicate their findings. The Research concentration involves both course-based research experiences and mentored laboratory research experiences. Students will gain experience problem solving by using the scientific method.
The concentration is a minimum of nine credits and must include six credit hours from courses 3000+ level or higher.
Inquiry-based laboratory or course-based undergraduate research experience (at least 2 credits)
- BIO 1040 – Fundamentals of Bioinformatics (3 credits)
- BIO 2710 – Genetics Laboratory (2 credits)
- BIO 3201 – Applied Metagenomics (3 credits)
- BIO 3510 – Histology Laboratory (2 credits)
- BIO 3950 – Advanced Microbial Phage Genomics: SEA GENES (4 credits)
- BIO 4490 – Ecology Laboratory (2 credits)
- BIO 4640 – Physiology Laboratory (2 credits)
- BIO 4750 – Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2 credits)
- CHM 1150 – Research in Chemistry Lab (1 credit)
- CHM 1980 – Introduction to Research Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry (1 credit)
- CHM 4750 Biochemistry Laboratory (1 credit)
- CHM 4830 – Instrumental Analysis Laboratory (1 credit)
Note-Another laboratory course could be acceptable if it has the research attribute.
Laboratory Research (3-8 credits):
Each student must take two (2) academic semesters and/or summers of mentored research and it must include the preparation and presentation of a thesis.
- BIO 4920 (1-2 credits): Directed Studies: Laboratory Research
- BIO 4930 (1-2 credits): Directed Studies: Advanced Laboratory Research
- SCIE 4998 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis I
- SCIE 4999 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis II
- CHM 3980 (1-2 credits): Introduction to Undergraduate Research
- CHM 4980 (1-2 credits): Undergraduate Research
- SCIE 4998 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis I
- SCIE 4999 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis II
- SCIE 4980 (0 credits): Undergraduate Research
- SCIE 4998 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis I
- SCIE 4999 (0-1.5 credits): Undergraduate Research Thesis II
- HON 4997 (1 credit): Honors Thesis Proposal
- HON 4998 (1 credit): Honors Thesis Approval
- HON 4999 (1 credit): Honors Thesis Defense
Research Portfolio (0 credits, Pass/Fail):
Each student must prepare and submit a research portfolio containing the products from each of the courses in the research concentration. These include the presentations, reports, posters, research proposal, research reflections, final thesis, and final presentation. The research portfolio is the full story of the student's research trajectory and achievements. The portfolio is evaluated by the Research Concentration Committee.
Total Credits: 9 credits
Contact Kendra Evans, Ph.D., ( for more information.
Degree Requirements - Doctor of Dental Surgery
Please see the catalog page for the DDS program for the degree requirements. Students complete 191 credits for the DDS program. Graduate credits can be double-counted as general elective credits to fulfill the 120 total credits for the undergraduate degree.
Program Contact Information
Program Coordinator: Elizabeth Roberts-Kirchhoff, Ph.D.
Engineering 245
Telephone: 313-993-1021